ช้อมูล Patch 1.18a
•[dev1010][dev1011] The following adjustments have been made to guildleves:
•Skill point rewards have been increased for Disciple of War and Magic-specific regional and faction levequests, as well as behests. The increase will vary depending on the quests’ recommended class rank, with those recommended for class 20 seeing the biggest change.
•Shield skill points are now awarded upon the completion of regional leves, faction leves, and behests.
•The following adjustments have been made to several fieldcraft levequests:
•Gathering point locations have been adjusted.
•Enemy distribution near gathering points has been adjusted.
ปรับไปแล้วก็ปรับมา นี่มันกะจะออกเกมจริงเมื่อไหร่....
•[dev1032] Potency of the following actions (when used as the indicated classes) has been increased
To offset the implemented increase, these actions will now inflict less damage when used by classes other than those indicated above.
WS class DoW ลูกเมียน้อยทั้ง 3 (LNC, PGL, MRD) แรงขึ้นแล้ว
•[dev1102] Players can now designate any aetheryte or aetherial gate as their Return destination by selecting “Set home point” from the aetheryte menu.
* “Assess Guardian’s favor” has been removed from the aetheryte menu.
* While undertaking regional levequests and behests, the aetheryte where the quest was initiated will be temporarily set as a player’s home point. During instanced raids, players who use Return will be teleported to the raid area’s enterance.
set HP ได้เองแล้ว
•[dev1114] The maximum number of retainers dispatchable into a single Ul’dah market area has been increased.
คุณมรึงยอมรับแล้วสินะว่าเมืองหลวงคือ Ul'Dah...
•[dev1125] A new emote has been added.
เพิ่ม Emo ใหม่ น่าจะถูกใจพวกโอตากุหลายๆ คน

Final Fantasy Xiv
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Final Fantasy