พูดคุย/ข่าวสาร Beta เฟส 3 [กรุณาอย่าเปิดเผยข้อมูลที่ผิดข้อตกลง]

Here is how non-disclosure agreement will work in Beta Test phase 3:

Information will be free to post. Everything is open and you can post freely about any aspect of the beta test and your thoughts on it.

In regards to images and video in Beta Test phase 3:

You can post images of phase 3 (no images from Alpha, phase 1 or phase 2)

You cannot post audio or video.

We will be making a more detailed announcement before the start of Beta phase 3, but I wanted to share this general overview now.


Heroes of Eorzea─your time has come! Phase 1 of the FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn Beta Test is scheduled to begin on February 25. Beta tester acceptance e-mails are already on their way, so keep an eye out for your summons.

(I'm sorry for taking so long to put up this letter, but the news you've all been waiting for is finally here. Assuming no dastardly bugs or server errors slow us down, phase 1 of the beta test will begin on February 25!)

ช้ากว่าที่คาดไว้เกือบสองอาทิตย์ ตัวเต็มมันจะออกทันฤดูร้อนมั้ยเนี่ย
Final Fantasy Xiv Games Game Online Final Fantasy

