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New Battle System: Campagnie (Campaign in English)
Campagnie takes place across Quon and Mindartia, as the Alliance of Altana fights the Beastmen. Kinda new type of Besieges.
The enemies are the Shadow Lord's 血盟軍, personal army bound by a blood oath, consisting of Orcs, Yagudo and Quadav, and the Shadow Lord's personal guard.
Campagnie will incorporate elements of strategy as you defend various forts across the land.
Left Picture is assumed to be Orcs fighting in Ronfuare. They speculate that losing the fort to the Orcs may increase their number in the present-day Ronfuare.
Right Picture is assumed to be Yagudo guarding a structure in Sarutabaruta. They wonder if perhaps players will be able to successfully drive out the Yagudo, thus eliminating their presence in present-day Sarutabaruta.
ที่มา : BG Forum
Final Fantasy Xi
Game Online
Final Fantasy