FINAL FANtASY XIV 2.0 ps3/windows
■Major Milestones
Late November to Early Decemeber, 2011 - Patch 1.20 (and subsequent hotfixes)
-Class adjustments (abilities & weaponskills) / Malevolent Moogle (Primal) battle
-Achievement system (300+ planned) / Market adjustments / PC search
-The continuation of Disciple of the Hand recipe adjustments (HQ items / Repair adjustments)
Early February 2012 - Patch 1.21 (and subsequent hotfixes)
-Creation of Private Rooms (Inns, etc.) / Hamlet defense PvE content
-The job system (7 jobs plus related quests and gear) / Personal chocobo gear ⇒Two new instanced raids
Mid April 2012 - Patch 1.22 (and subsequent hotfixes)
-Garuda (Primal) battle./ Battle system balance adjustments ⇒Garlean Empire battle content
Early to Mid July 2012 - Patch 1.23 (and subsequent hotfixes)
-Garlean Empire Legatus battle ⇒Content surrounding the Twelve mythos
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* PS3 เบต้าออกปีหน้าปลายปี ตัวจริง 2013
* เก็บตังเดือนหน้าแล้ว

"Playable Gender" รูกาดินหญิง มิค๊อตเต้ชาย ไฮแลนด์หญิง
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Final Fantasy Xiv
Game Online
Final Fantasy