[NewType] Gundam OO S2 Update !
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เผยรูป Gundam และ ไมสเตอร์ ทั้ง 4

เซ็ตซี่ . .

Gundam แห่ง Celestial และเหล่า ไมสเตอร์ (ผมว่าผมเห็นชื่อคนตาย * 0 * )
from gunota headline:
This month's anime mag info
Official info for season 2 of Gundam 00 just started to leak out. Note: Source pics weren't the most legible so these are subject to correction. Thanks to 2ch posters, who also puzzled out what they could.
Setsuna F. Seiei - 21-years-old. Lived as a boy soldier in his native Kurdish and became a Gundam Meister with Celestial Being. Engaged in one-on-one combat with Graham in a final battle. Went missing. 4 years passed. What does he think of as he looks at the world without conflict the Earth Sphere Federation ushered in?
Lockon Stratos - Expert marksman and Gundam Meister affiliated with Celestial Being. 4 years ago, he and his bitter enemy Saachez shot each other simultaneously and (*unreadable portion*) This Lockon (*unreadable*) heads to the battlefield together with his partner Haro and, as a Gundam Meister, pilots the Keldim Gundam.
Allelujah Haptism
Tieria Erde - Age unknown. Seriously injured in the decisive final battle in which he flew the Gundam Nadleeh but he was rescued by an organization and his life saved. Afterwards, he did his best to rebuild Celestial Being. Previously, he had thought of Veda as an absolute being but now he looks for the meaning of his personal struggle.
Mecha (definitely iffy on the names here):
GN-0000 00 Gundam - New generation Gundam developed as a successor unit to the Gundam Exia. A formidable mecha equipped with 2 GN Drives on its shoulders, it boasts astounding GN particle emission and its performance overwhelms that of all other mobile suits. Pilot: Setsuna F. Seiei
Keldim Gundam
Arios Gundam
Selavii Gundam - A heavy armament model piloted by Tieria Erde that largely carries over features of the Gundam Virtue. Furthermore, it was developed with the intent of strengthening offense and while the 2 shoulder-equipped GN cannons are simple in form, their firepower far exceeds the Virtue's.
Info from Kouryaku No Yakata's Newtype summaries: The second season will revolve around an independent security enforcement organization within the Federation called "Arrows" that suppresses anti-Federation elements. Setsuna will take on a leadership role. Most people aren't aware of the severe oppression of Arrows due to the Federation's complete control of information. Lockon died and isn't coming back. The show will air in MBS' Sunday 5 pm timeslot starting in October.
ภาพ Clear Scan จาก SRWHOTNEWS
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