FF12Inter เวทย์มนต์ต่างๆ ที่เก็บได้ตามไหนะครับ

ไม่รู้ว่าถูกต้องหรือครบถ้วนทั้งหมดหรือเปล่า แต่เอาไว้เป็นแนวทางของคนเพิ่งเริ่มเล่นก่อนล่ะกันครับ

White Magic

Dispel - Tomb of Raithwall

Regen - Giza Plains (Rain)

Reboot - Ceropi

Faith - Necrohol of Nabudis

Bravery - Necrohol of Nabudis

Dispelga - Feywood, White Magick's Embrace

Holy - Pharos 35F

Esunaga - Necrohol of Nabudis, Secret Shop, available during end-game

Protectga - Necrohol of Nabudis

Shellga - Ancient City of Giruvegan, Great Crystal at XIV

Renew - Henne Mines, one of the Special Charter areas

Black Magic

Blind - Giza Plains (Dry)

Sleep - Ogir-Yensa Sandsea, Platform 1 - East Tanks

Silence - Dalmasca Estersand, Yardang Labyrinth

Poison - Dalmasca Estersand, Banks of the Nebra

Blindga - Tchita Uplands

Silencega - Necrohol of Nabudis

Scourge - Barheim Passage Shop

Flare - Pharos 81F

Scathe - Lhusu Mine, map before 2nd Gilgamesh

Dark Magic

Death - Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier

Ardor - Pharos 81

Green Magics - Clan Shop

Time Magic

Reflect - Ogir-Yensa Sandsea

Balance - Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Demesne of the Sandqueen

Haste - Eruyt Village

Countdown - Stilshrine of Miriam

Float - Tchita Uplands, Oliphzak Rise

Reflectga - The Feywood, the Edge of Reason

Hastega - Great Crystal, the chest that used to contain Zodiac Escutcheon

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Final Fantasy Xiii Final Fantasy Xii Final Fantasy

