You know you are in a NA pt if ...

เจอมาจาก ffxionline ฮากลิ้ง ^O^

เจอมาหมดทุกอันยังนี่ ^^;;


You know you're in a NA party if:

-The WHM doesn't cure

-The MNK cures

-The frontline sits, so the WHM can conserve MP

-There's no renkei (skill chain), maybe because they don't know what order or just because, กงit takes too much timeกจ

-Your member's subjobs aren't properly leveled


-You use /say to talk in pt chat

-50 EXP per battle is good

-120 EXP per battle is godly

-200+ EXP per battle is unheard of

-You can't lot

-Or you lot, and you get kicked

-No one in the pt eats. กงFood is a waste of money OMFGกจ

-You party pulls 2+ monsters at once thinking that you can chain.

-You link more monsters than you pull.

-The rest of your members all have a level 5 THF subjob just so they can steal. กงIt's so logical!กจ

-Every member of the party think that he/she is the leader

-The WHM doesn't cure because the WHM is worried that the WAR won't provoke

-The WAR doesn't provoke because the WAR is worried that the WHM won't cure

-In the end, the WHM provokes the monster and begins to heal only himself.

-The BLM, no matter how hard you try, just spell blasts the monster until it notices him.

-People leave your pt 5 minutes after all the members are there.

-Your party was formed in the dungeon and not in town.

-when a good item drops, the leader kicks all the members of the pt so he can get it

-The leader kicks you out of the party so that his supposed friend can join

-You have 1 backline, and it's not whm

-You have 6 frontline

-6 people is a considered a huge party

-Only one guy in the pt can provoke

-Your party members all of a sudden disappear either for shower/nap/dinner/lunch/snack/walk the dog/chat/TV

-When you die, instead of the polite apologizing, your party members laugh at you and call you names.

-EVERYONE looks at your equipment every 5 seconds

-Some people in your level 40 party are still wearing level 1 equipment

-You have a ninja that insists on using a great Katana...

-Your DRK loves Soul Eater so much that he decides to use it every chance he gets

-กงI'm a battle mage, I heal myself in battleกจ

-BLM doesn't have tractor, doesn't see the use of it

-WHM doesn't have Curega, too much hate.

-"Raise is so expensive, just go back to your HP you wuss!"

-The WHM doesn't have Cure macroed

-Your PLD loves using a great sword

-Your PLD subs something other than WAR, hrm....level 5 THF.....


แต่ยังไงผมก็ยังชอบ pt กับ E อยู่ดีนะ ได้คุยกันรู้เรื่องนี่ xp ช้าหน่อยก็หยวนละ ^^;;

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