บทแปลอังกฤษ SQEN Party 2007 Talk Sections
Source from Bluegatr
5th Anniversary Talk Section
Originally posted on bluegartrls.com
Translated by Elmer the Pointy
The Talk Section began with the nostalgic Play-Online startup screen. Six developers came out for the Talk Section listed here:
Tanaka Hiromichi - Producer
Kawamoto Nobuaki
Ogawa Kouichi
Mastsui Satoshi
Aiba Ryouyuu
Sage Sundi
First, they showed us a 5th anniversary memorial video, which announced the new expansion: Wings of the Goddess. The video made it official.
Below are my notes on the rest of the discussion. I was scribbling like mad so if there are some mistakes, I am sorry.
Aht Urghan missions from here on will greatly involve the Dark Rider
เนื้อเรื่องต่อของ ToA M จะเกี่ยวกับดาร์คไรเดอร์
The management came to understand how much an MMO can cost since the intital stages, but Tanaka added, "With a movie you can lose a lot more..." (lol Spirits Within? )
They explained the design process for a new monster, Vampire.
- "Initial drawing" took a few weeks
- "Modeling" took a few months
- "Motion" is a secret
- "Texturing" is done along with Motion
- "Programming" is still unknown because their in the middle of it
Questions taken prior to entering the assembly were now answered in "Letters From Adventurers"
Q: This Beastmaster is feeling very lonely. Won't you give me a companion?
A: Yes, we will. We will definitely help you very soon. We are also adding new magic for existing jobs in the next expansion.
I'm not sure what this fan's problem was, but reading between the lines he wants more pets and party activity. Sounds like something is coming for BST in the next update.
Q: Promathia Missions are still difficult. Won't you give us some relief?
A: We will implement something in June. Items to weaken the enemies and experience point bonuses.
แก้ CoP M ให้ง่ายขึ้นอีก Hmm..
Q: Salvage and Nyzul Isle are too hard!
A: We'll adjust them in June. Imbued Items (Cells) will become easier to get.
A: We'll will add Temporary items you can buy with Tokens from Nyzul. In addition, will fix how your record erases on the 100th floor, instead only clearing it after defeating the boss.
Salvage แก้ Imbue ให้ drop ง่ายขึ้น
Nyzul แก้ไขเรื่องลบข้อมูลหลังเคลียร์ชั้นที่ 100
Q: Will we be able to re-choose our Divine Might earring?
A: We have plans for that in June. Besides Divine Might, we are also considering other items that may pleasantly surprise you.
เลือกพวก R/Ex BC Item ใหม่ได้ (5AA, FMA, CoP Ending)
Q: I want a tuxedo.
A: If the demand is there.
Listed below are items that were recently moved into BCNMs. As for the drop rate, "We can't tell you exactly, but within 10 tries you should have a 40% chance at one.
Divine Punishers - Ochiudo's Kote, Fuma Kyahan
Brothers D'Aurphe - Eurytos' Bow, Cross-Counters
Contaminated Colosseum - Cassie Earring
Operation Desert Swarm - Serket Ring
Horns of War - Healing Staff
The Hills are Alive - Strider Boots
Early Bird Catches the Wyrm - Juggernaut, Speed Belt
Development Talk Section Day 2
Originally posted at bluegartrls.com
Translated by Elmer the Pointy
Sorry for the long wait. Here is the excerpt from today's Talk Section.
I plan to show the movie within a few days, so look forward to it!
In this Corner they shared information about the new Version Update as well as future services. They began with "The Pit."
The Pit is a beast battling arena in which you use monsters to fight against NPC monsters or other player's monsters in order to earn points and ranks. The player does not take direct control, but more or less issues instructions.
Monsters for The Pit are found in many lands and you must "somehow" obtain their genetic information as an item, which you trade to the NPC for use in the Pit.
Perhaps there will be some customization involved too.
They plan to implement this after the summer, so please be patient.
Monster Farm เรอะ =-=;?
Next up is...

Eniherjar is set in the Hazhalm Testing Grounds. The concept will be an "unpredictable multi-player battlefield." Every time you enter, enemy spawn locations will change so you really have to play it by ear. It will be a challenging area aimed at high-level players.
First off, it's an area that hold 6-36 people, and you enter via an item similar to the Dynamis hourglass. There are several rooms with 1 boss and a bunch of underlings. After you choose which room to take on, you get a 30 minute time limit to go and eliminate every enemy in the room.
If you clear it, I wonder what you get??
Exclusive equipment you can't get anywhere else, or points to earn and save up. Of course, these points would then be exchanged for some reward!
End Game Battle Field ใหม่ ระบบเข้า-ออกคล้ายๆ ไดนามิส แต่ศัตรูจะไม่ Fix ที่-ชนิด
ใครทำ Dynamis Limbus Salvage Einherjar คงตายพอดี
Moving on,
About Jobs.
In the next Version Update for June, they plan to add Merit Point Category 2 sections to each of the new Aht Urghan jobs.
หมวด 2 เมริทสำหรับจ๊อบใหม่ใน ToA
Each job will receive 2 Abilities and 2 Job Traits:
Blue Mage
- For magical Blue Magic, forego the AoE effect for a Power Up of the spell (ABILITY)
- Make a spell that can target a party member into AoE (ABILITY)
- Add a TP Bonus to Chain Affinity (TRAIT)
- Raise the cap on magic set points (TRAIT)
- เปลี่ยน AoE spell เป็น single target spell ที่แรงขึ้น
- เปลี่ยน single target PT member spell ให้เป็น AoE (Magic Fruit AoE > over hate > BLU dead Yes,please!)
- เพิ่ม TP Bonus ให้ CA (Solo Renkei ก็ไม่มีประโยชน์อยู่ดีมั้ง =-=;)
- เพิ่ม magic set points (อันนี้เจ๋ง =-=b)
- Make the next roll a 1 (ABILITY)
- Erase a roll cast on yourself (ABILITY)
- Extend the duration of Phantom Roll (TRAIT)
- Percentage of success for Random Deal UP. Will prioritize commands that are used. (TRAIT)
- roll ครั้งต่อไปได้ 1 (เพื่ออะไร =-=;?)
- ลบ roll ให้ตัวเอง (จะลบ bust ได้ไหมเนี่ย?)
- เพิ่มระยะเวลาของ roll (เหมือน BRD merit เด๊ะ)
- เพิ่มอัตราสำเร็จของ Random deal
- (Kuroko Change) Exchange HP between the Master and Automaton (ABILITY)
- (Ventriloquism) Exchange enmity from target monster between the Master and Automaton (ABILITY)
- (Fine Tuning) Accuracy (+ Ranged), Evasion, Magic Defense UP (TRAIT)
- (Optimization) Attack (+ Ranged), Defense, Magic Attack UP (TRAIT)
(NOTE: Did not specify Master or Automaton or both. However, the terms were machine-related so at least the Automaton will be receiving these bonuses)
- เปลี่ยน HP ผู้เล่นกับหุ่น
- เปลี่ยน Enmity ผู้เล่นกับหุ่น
- (น่าจะหุ่นอย่างเดียว) ได้ acuu, eva, Mag Def เพิ่ม
- (น่าจะหุ่นอย่างเดียว) ได้ atk, def, Mag atk เพิ่ม
As for the other jobs, they are not planning any big changes like these. For all jobs, they plan to raise the cap on category limits for sections like Weapon and Magic skill merits. Get ready for those and other exciting changes in the next Version Update!
เมริททั่วไปก็เพิ่ม cap ให้ weapon กับ magic =-=b
Next they talked about special services.
World Migration
Up until now, there has been great demand for World Migration. They are preparing to implement it between June and July. One change will be 3,000 yen. This is the cost for one account, and you can move a maximum of 16 characters. As far as other online games go, this service isn't so expensive.
The first time you move there are no restrictions, but those hoping to move a second time must wait 90 days. This is a good counter-measure against RMT.
ย้ายเซิร์ฟเสีย 3000 เยน ย้ายแล้วจะย้ายอีกต้องรอ 90 วัน
Next up was the "Vana'diel Economy."
The economy changes day by day, hour by hour, and this corner was where they told us what they expected for the future.
First they explained this graph to us. This is the sum of every world's gil. In other words, the total amount of gil in all of Vana'diel. The Y-axis is gil amount, the X-axis is time.
Where the graph look like a mountain peak is where gil was abnormally increased through dishonest methods.
Soon after implementing counter-measures and punishments, this amount decreases. Those characters that are caught and punished have their gil frozen and subsequently deleted from Vana'diel. This has a direct impact on the economy.
In October, the "Special Task Force" was made to combat such dishonest characters, and they too have had an influence on the amount of gil in circulation.
Up until now there has been a definitive downward slope, but you can see that curve is beginning to even out. We are approaching the time where Auction House fees and the like will balance out with players' income. In other words, there will be a "balanced state" for the economy.
However, it has still been a short time from the inflation of the past until now. As a result, the effect of fixed cost activities is really beginning to be felt.
More important than the perils of inflation or deflation is the pinch users are feeling trying to pay for all of these miscellaneous costs.
Due to this, they promised to take another look at "Outpost Teleport costs and Limbus fees" for the next Version Update.
ค่า OP กับ Limbus key item อาจจะลดลง
They also acknowledged everyone's complaints over the cost of Dynamis. However, due to a fear that lowered costs would increase the congestion of Dynamis zones, they will not alter them at this time. Instead they are considering adjusting rewards for various quests, as well as adding new methods of earning gil.
ไม่มีแผนจะลดค่า key item สำหรับไดนามิสเพราะกลัวจะนัดชนกันมากขึ้น แต่จะเพิ่มวิธีหาเงินใหม่ๆ แทน
This is a graph of the Special Task Force's progress. The left graph depicts the amount of players they were actively targeting; you can see how it continually decreases. It increased in March, but through new investigative methods they took control of the situation. The right graph depicts the number of RMT sites since their inception, and then presently.
The enforcement of in-game policies has had a multitude of effects, including the diminishing number of RMT sites.
There is no way to completely eliminate RMT from the game, but they can restrict the ways they try to hoarde money.
The Special Task Force aims to strengthen their activity and remove as much RMT as possible.
The Corner then continued on to "Fountain of Vana'diel." This portion had the Development team delivering some tidbits and trivia about Vana'diel.
You can use AoE Blue Magic on a single enemy ... even if your back is facing it
- Kendai Mitsutoshi, Battle Team
หันหลังให้ศัตรูแล้วจะใช้ Blue AoE Magic โดนศัตรูตัวเดียว o.O?
To those who want more control user-side ... in the end it would just be too difficult for some to use abilities and get rewards (I think he's referring to Chocobo Racing and The Pit)
- Fujito Youji, Event Team
The name TaruTaru originated from ... tartar sauce (tarutaru so-su in Japanese)
- Iwao Kenichi, Event Team
ชื่อทารุทารุมาจากทาทาซ๊อสจริงๆ ด้วย!
Wrapping a Chocobo in a wool blanket to ease their crying and help them sleep ... is based on actual experience.
- Kyouya Youko, Event Team
When Naja says "pal" ... by mistake it became "lover" (JP ver. only joke?)
- Suzuki Satoshi, Event Team
When challenging the Goblin in Movalpolis at dice ... there is a little known trick.
- Ogawa Kouichi, Event Team
The amount of gil you want to bet is always found in an area nearby. Trade that amount on a certain day and your chances of success will increase. The dialogue changes so please test it out.
(Confirmed to be 2716!)
พนันด้วยเงิน 2716 กิลกับก๊อบที่โมวัลโพลิสแล้วจะชนะง่ายขึ้น
The name of the conference room for the GM Team is ... Galka and Mandragora
- Bylects, GM Team
ห้องประชุมของ GM ชื่อ Galka & Mandragora ...
GM armor was not initially red. When asked what color I preferred I answered, "Red like a Ferrari!" and it was so.
- Sage Sundi, GM Team
Vana'diel curry ... is more delicious than anything you have eaten.
- Hayashi Yousuke, Battle Team
Between elementals that spawn during weather and elementals that you summon ... there are a few graphical differences.
- Hatae Yuuko, Graphics Team
Monsters and summons have different limitations. Same thing with the Black Magic spell, Warp and using a Warp Scroll, which differs in sound and effect. The reasons are known only to the development team.
The North American and Japanese GMs ... communicate through gestures.
- duckbil, GM Team
The GM Team uses webcams and sometimes we like to provoke each other
Sundi adds, "But of course that isn't the only way we communicate with each other!"
GMs ... can also be cursed in Beadeaux.
- Ebessany
*line tba*
Closing Words
Today, so many people have gathered, so many people have submitted their questions and concerns, and it makes me feel that FFXI truly has massive support. We haven't made Vana'diel what it is alone, we have all built it together. Let's continue to build a better Vana'diel together! I humbly ask for your help and support from here on out.
Thank you to everyone who returned since yesterday. Let's all work together to produce updates for Aht Urghan and release the next expansion.
I don't know if 5 years is a long time or short time as far as these things go. The list of things we wish to do is still very long. I hope to see you all at our 10th anniversary event!
We are eager to develop more Chocobo-related content. In the next Version Update we'll analyze the progress of Chocobo raising and then consider how that will affect updates after the summer. We are planning on features like PvP races and gambling.
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