โปสเตอร์โปรโมต ARIA OVA ครับ
ปล. สรุปพระเอกคือเคตซิตสินะ หลังจากดูมาได้ 24 ตอนแล้ว :อาานะ:
I saw a mini article regarding the OVA which somebody posted on the AnimeSuki forums so I thought I'd translate it for everyone. Thanks go to the user "Maids! Maids! Maids!" for the picture.
And here's the translation of the interview part of the page:
Junichi Satou:
Q1: A new ARIA anime is being made in the form of an OVA. Tell us how you feel about working on it.
Thanks to all the fans support, this new OVA has come about and I get to work on it again. Truly, I am eternally grateful for this. Essentially, the same as always, I'd like to produce this with the spirit of neither rushing nor taking it too easy.
Q2: This time in the OVA, what kind of differences in production are there planned compared to the existing two seasons?
The TV series had a restricted budget and schedule, and so there were things that couldn't be done quite go as I wanted, but this time with an OVA, I'd like to go into more detail on things such as the depiction of the town of Neo Venezia and its atmosphere. The theme song will also have a slightly different taste to the TV series. I think we'll again be able to show the charms of this new ARIA.
Q3: Lastly, can we please have a message to give to the fans who are looking forward to the OVA?
This time with the OVA, I've gathered new data on Venice*, and have set out with giving one or two unique touches different to the TV series. Of course the easy going atmosphere of ARIA will be kept as it is. There's only be a small gap since the TV series, but hope it will be able to deliver a clear feeling of happiness as always. Please look forward to the day we set off on our trip to Neo Venezia.
[As a note for the readers of this post, if you watched the DVDs for ARIA The ANIMATION, you would've seen Satou-san sightseeing around Venice to collect ideas for the TV series as part of the DVD special extras.]
Kozue Amano:
Q1: A new ARIA anime is being made in the form of an OVA. Tell us how you felt about the announcement of its production.
It was the same when the 2nd TV series' production was announced. When I heard that I could continue its creation again, I couldn't believe my ears (Laughs). I was very happy. I thought I'd already used up my life's share of good luck. To all those involved in deciding to continue ARIA, as well as to Satou Junichi, thank you so very much (Cries).
Q2: Up until now there have been two TV series created, can you tell us what to expect this time in the OVA?
I heard that the OVA version will not have the familiar 4:3 screen of the TV series, but rather will be produced in 16:9 widescreen. I'm looking forward to that the most. With the space the span across more so than in past, I think it will be able to create an even more ARIA-like view of the world. I'm really excited about the density of information that will fill the screen and the end result of the scenery.
Q3: Lastly, can we please have a message to give to the fans who are looking forward to the OVA?
Even after the completion of the broadcasting of the TV anime which spanned two series, thanks to the continual support I have received from all the followers through the books and DVDs, this project has become a reality. Thank you so very much. I'm looking forward, along with everyone, to the completion of the OVA.
Woohoo! Widescreen!
ปล. อาคาริจังเปลี่ยนทรงผมแล้วเปลี่ยนลุคไปเลย
ปล.เตรียมรอดู ความฝันอันสวยงามต่อไป
ปล.ยิ่งดู ก็ยิ่งยิ้มพร้อมน้ำตา
ปล.ติด ARIA แบบงอหัวไม่ขึ้นแล้วคร้บ
ปล. ผมได้รูปมาจาก akibakko อีกทีนึงนะครับ แต่รูปใหญ่มาก เลยต้องไปแก้แล้วลงใหม่